patty-watInventory management is something that seems to be part and parcel of the MMO genre. At some point, your inventory is going to fill up and you will need to decide what’s worth keeping, what’s worth selling and what can just be tossed. Failure to do so properly can slow your adventuring down considerably, as you will be unable to loot things.

It seems that, over time, PSO2 has managed to find more and more ways to pack your inventory full of things that you may be hesitant to get rid of. This blog entry will list all these items and run off reasons why you wouldn’t likely want to trash them.

Advance Quest Items

These include:

  • アドバンスカプセルa / Advanced Capsule a
  • アドバンスカプセルb / Advanced Capsule b
  • アドバンスカプセルc / Advanced Capsule c
  • 風輝石ヴァーユ / Vayu Wind Pyroxene
  • 炎輝石アグニ / Agni Fire Pyroxene
  • 地輝石プリティヴィー / Prithvi Earth Pyroxene
  • 雷輝石インドラ / Indra Thunder Pyroxene
  • 雪輝石ヒマーラヤ / Himalaya Snow Pyroxene
  • 天輝石ブラフマー / Brahma Sky Pyroxene
  • 元輝石イシャーナ / Ishana Source Pyroxene
  • 滅輝石ニルティリー / Nirrti Ruin Pyroxene
  • 霊輝石ヤーマ / Yama Soul Pyroxene

12 inventory slots gone! At least, for that matter, as while they can stack up to 999 it is quite easy to end up with multiple stacks of them. Not only that, but various 9*s can be exchanged with a number of these Pyroxene items for a 10* weapon. Even if you don’t need any of the weapons themselves, they can be exchanged for EXCubes or Photon Spheres. Both of these items are kind of useful, as they can exchanged for items that can be sold on the market and other functional things (EXP boosters, rare drop boosters, etc).

Extreme Quest Items

These include:

  • 紅桜の欠片 / Scarlet Fragment
  • 真紅の欠片 / Crimson Fragment
  • 蒼碧の欠片 / Cerulean Fragment
  • 紅桜の原石 / Scarlet Ore
  • 真紅の原石 / Crimson Ore
  • 蒼碧の原石 / Cerulean Ore
  • 魔石ハートキー / Heart Key Spellstone
  • 魔石ブラッディムーン / Bloody Moon Spellstone
  • 魔石ファントムナイト / Phantom Night Spellstone
  • ハートキー触媒 / Heart Key Catalyst
  • ブラッディムーン触媒 / Bloody Moon Catalyst
  • ファントムナイト触媒 / Phantom Night Catalyst

Another 12 slots gone! And again, much like Advanced Quests you can end up with multiple stacks, though only of the fragments. However, you can compress them into ores and since the recent update that allows you to carry up to 999 of them in your inventory it’s much less of a hassle to do so.

Related to extreme quests, there is also the chance to obtain 11* armors, which you’re not likely to trash.

Currency Items

The following items are all used as currency in various exchanges and shops.

  • 虹輝石イリティスタ / Iritista Rainbow Pyroxene (10* weapons)
  • エクスキューブ / Excube
  • フォトンドロップ / Photon Drop
  • フォトンクリスタル / Photon Crystal
  • フォトンスフィア / Photon Sphere
  • アークスバッヂ青 / Blue Arks Badge

That’s 6 slots gone! Iritista can be exchanged for some pretty terrible 10* weapons that can then be converted into Excubes or Photon Spheres. Photon Drops and Photon Crystals can be compressed into Photon Spheres as well.


  • 獲得経験値+10% / Experience Gained +10%
  • 獲得経験値+25% / Experience Gained +25%
  • 獲得経験値+50% / Experience Gained +50%
  • 獲得経験値+75% / Experience Gained +75%
  • レアドロップ倍率+10% / Rare Drop Rate Boost +10%
  • レアドロップ倍率+50% / Rare Drop Rate Boost +50%
  • レアドロップ倍率+75% / Rare Drop Rate Boost +75%
  • レアドロップ倍率+250% / Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%
  • 獲得メセタ+10% / Meseta Gained +10%
  • 獲得メセタ+50% / Meseta Gained +50%
  • トライブースト+50% / Tri Boost +50%
  • トライブースト+100% / Tri Boost +100%
  • ショートケーキ / Shortcake
  • チーズケーキ / Cheesecake
  • フルーツタルト / Fruit Tart
  • パンプキンパイ / Pumpkin Pie
  • クリスマスケーキ / Christmas Cake
  • バレンタインチョコ / Valentines Cake
  • トロピカルフラッペ / Tropical Frappe
  • グラインダー / Grinder
  • 強化成功率+5% / Grind Success Rate +5%
  • 強化成功率+10% / Grind Success Rate +10%
  • 強化成功率+100% / Grind Success Rate +100%
  • 強化リスク軽減(+1) / Grind Risk Reduction (+1)
  • 強化リスク軽減(+2) / Grind Risk Reduction (+2)
  • 強化リスク軽減(完全) / Grind Risk Reduction (Full)
  • シンセサイザー / Synthesizer
  • 属性強化+5% / Attribute Enhance +5%
  • 能力追加成功率+5% / Ability Success Rate +5%
  • 能力追加成功率+10% / Ability Success Rate +10%
  • エクストリームパス / Extreme Pass

A considerable 32 slots gone here. Note that this would be more if you use AC scratch, as there are a number of unique consumables you can obtain from it. The worth of the 10% EXP and Meseta boosts is somewhat insignificant, but I imagine most players are going to consume them rather than throw them away.


I’ve not really talked about this on the blog yet, so I’ll go ahead and take this opportunity to explain my opinion on it. Crafting is dumb. With that out of the way, back on the subject of inventory hogs because if you want to craft I sure hope you didn’t like having all those spare inventory slots!

  • アイロニア / Ironia
  • スティニア / Steenia
  • シルバニア / Silvania
  • アイロデスト / Irodest
  • スティデスト / Steedest
  • シルバデスト / Silvadest
  • アイログリモ / Irogrimo
  • スティグリモ / Steegrimo
  • シルバグリモ / Silvagrimo
  • アイロリアス / IroRears
  • スティリアス / SteeRears
  • シルバリアス / SilvaRears
  • アイロアムス / IroArms
  • スティアムス / SteeArms
  • シルバアムス / SilvaArms
  • アイロレグス / IroLegs
  • スティレグス / SteeLegs
  • シルバレグス / SilvaLegs
  • ルビアード / Rubiard
  • サファード / Saphard
  • ネオジット / Neojit
  • プロメチット / Promechit
  • PAフラグメント(打撃) / PA Fragment (Strike)
  • PAフラグメント(射撃) / PA Fragment (Ranged)
  • PAフラグメント(法撃) / PA Fragment (Tech)
  • リリパリウム(極小) / Liliparium (Min)

Not including the AC items again. That’s 26 slots gone for a complete set of crafting items. Anyone who has dismantled rare items will also know that you can very quickly accumulate the lowest tier of materials. So even though the likes of Ironia can stack up to 999, it doesn’t take long to end up with multiple stacks of them.


This is by no means an exhaustive list, yet I believe this post shows that around 87 inventory slots are eaten up by various things within the game. For a free-to-play player, that’s nearly half of their 200-slot item storage gone. This is before you consider the less predictable things, such as clothing items, armor sets and weapons that the player is either going to keep for use or for sale when they obtain access to their shop.

Let’s also not forget consumable tickets the player may not wish to use immediately, such as My Shop and My Room passes, or any compensation tickets such as Skill Tree Reset Passes and Premium Set (1 Day). Oh and I’ve not even mentioned Client Orders that require you to obtain items…

Towards The Future

defAs we learned recently from the 16th live broadcast the new tier of Advance Quests will be using new types of caps. Specifically Advanced Capsule d, e and f. So that’s 3 more slots gone before you then also consider the possibility of new types of Pyroxenes from the quest (another 3) and any new pre-requisite weapons.

Is Sega going to do anything to relieve the storage situation for freemium players? Not at all, but don’t worry they will be including 2 new rent-able storage sots in your warehouse soon!

12 thoughts on “MY INVENTORY”

  1. Yeah I’m not gonna lie, its getting a bit ridiculous keeping everything stored at this point. I wouldn’t mind quite so much if they let me purchase more permanent, non rental storage, but its all “part of the plan” I guess. But if nothing else, I really think premium should at least get more storage then it does. I do think free play should get more than it does yeah, but considering keeping premium going is as costly as a World of Warcraft subscription for this game, I really think there ought to be a bit more for that price by itself and the laughable premium price “cuts” in no way alleviate that.

    1. The cuts are only to keep things relatively the same for the Japanese sales tax hike in April, not to make them cheaper.

      In regards to the article, while I do think the storage space issue is kind of getting out of hand, especially with the addition of that long list of crafting goods in addition to, if you’re like me, a ton of costumes and/or good affix fodder, there’s no realistic way you’re going to be keeping all 87 of those slots filled unless you’re a pack rat who refuses to actually use anything, which is pointless in and of itself – what are those cakes, for instance, if not for using? They’re not like 250% boosts that you might want to save for a tower defense of Falz. I don’t think this article is wrong, but I do think it’s disingenuous.

      Plus, while it may sound harsh, don’t expect people who play for free to get more than what they have. Remember that this is first and foremost a for-profit venture.

  2. I agree that we should have some means of permanent storage space. Free players are definitely feeling the heat on storage space. It’s becoming difficult to not have premium full time. I just wish we didn’t have to pay 30-40% more for our AC. I believe the 2000 ac cards being sold at 7-eleven are 2000 yen, or roughly 20 bucks. However, if you’re stuck buying webmoney from sites such as playasia or cn-usa, expect to pay 28-29 dollars for the same thing.

    1. That’s the unfortunate side effect of playing a version not meant for your region. Not much you can do about that but move to Japan, I’m afraid…

  3. It’s your own fault for holding onto stuff. A lot of these items should be in your inventory instead of storage, and most of them aren’t even that good. Premium is also far more than enough storage for the average player, and Freemium players need to stop being hoarders and trash stuff. Sega shouldn’t have to do anything, since there’s no real issue with storage aside from “BUT I DON’T WANT TO TRASH THIS BAAAW”

    1. stop it , people like collecting cool weapons even if they are trash 10* and below. they look fucking amazing. i would think if Sega values their players and they do… they will do the right thing and give more storage. lets face it if you run out of storage space for nice things you would get upset as well. shouldn’t have to go premium for more space.

      1. “stop it?” Are you serious?

        There’s more than enough space to keep old weapons and still have storage space. It’s still your own fault if you storage fills up.

  4. Some solutions I don’t think sound too unreasonable:

    -Add some space to the basic storage for each additional character. Even 10 per would be nice.
    -Permanent expansion of basic storage up to 100 more slots for sale, similar to the inventory expansion
    -Make a majority of consumables, quest items, crafting materials etc. sell to vendor for a decent price. I’d probably sell off a ton of my AQ stones if they vendored for even 100 meseta per, and for something that’s account-bound, they really need a more appealing alternative for disposing of them.
    -Make a queue for mag food that can hold up to like 30 entries (maybe only 10 for free players? maybe you can purchase a permanent expansion?) and is stored outside your inventory or storage
    -Another temporary storage you can freely send items to, with perhaps a 100 item limit that deletes any item inside it older than 10 minutes (maybe 50 for free players with a 5 minute expiration?)
    -Make those two extra parts on CAST characters not take up inventory space. Goddamn, this much should have been here from the start.

    1. There already is a temp storage, and the two CAST parts are fine because it allows more customizability than just making them all one set. Because, you know, not everybody likes having a CAST set be a Basch Repca. Also, there’s no point in holding onto quest items after the fact; just sell them and be glad you even get meseta for them considering most MMOs offer you squat.

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